I am inquiring into alternative forms of community building, their potentials and discontents, historically and contemporary. Preciado picnic, is a tapestry, wall hanging and blanket that speaks to this.
Made as a response to reading the inspiring Testo Junkie by Paul B. Preciado. The fabric is a backdrop to an fictional conversation with Preciado as we speak and navigate our way through Testo Junkie.
With electrically charged copper-thread embroideries of X chromosomes, sperm, a lesbian labrys - double bladed battle axe, trans symbolism, and my own abstract communal living symbols representing sex stains, DNA, food (an aubergine), toothbrushes, a tea bag, marijuana...
The interlocking circle motif is taken from a traditional “Wedding Band” quilting pattern, aiming to add another layer to the structure in which contents rest. Do we aspire to have the same? Or how to articulate and liberate the differences and what can they look like?
These Interlocking bands also function as a stereogram, articulating the complexity of such discussions and where to direct ones own attention first.
I made this work to look at social structures within communities and give a Queer critique of such norms.
The work functions as a vehicle for protesting for a more inclusive world into a heteronormative world.
It distils spiritual, political and material aspects of social experiments into an artefacts and constellation of symbols.