Frigg was work produced for a School of the Damned exhibition themed around The Weekend as a capitalist social construct and marketing ploy – leisure time as something you have to earn. My title, Frigg comes from the dual meanings of the word. Firstly, used as a euphemism for ‘fuck’ but also masturbation, express anger, annoyance, contempt or surprise. The norms being to go out at the weekend and generally encounter some of these frustrations. “Fuck the weekend”, so to speak. Secondly, the name Frigg also has associations with Frigga the wife of Odin and goddess. It was said that Frigga was believed to be able to alter peoples’ destinies by spinning clouds on a loom. Friday is named after her. I realised that I oddly resemble Frigga through her historical depictions. Taking her as a muse and her associations to magic and shamanism I created a fictional modern-day audio diary as if I was writing an urban legend of Frigg, a fictional character who sees into peoples destinies in a club. Frigg recounts the scripted fable looking over others peoples’ drug taking experiences as loopholes of everyday realities. She does not judge, she merely observes and spins words of their experiences of escapism. The audio track recorded played on ideas surrounding the female voice and its’ embedded problematic of associations of a woman’s voice as #mother/carer/soft/sexy/utopian/futuristic. I altered the reverb and added echo to my voice playing on female science fiction connotations.